Non-Resident Fee Policy

The WPLD Board of Trustees sets the Non-Resident fee currently at N/A annually. Purchasing a Non-Resident card entitles user to full patron services, including Reciprocal Borrowing. This rate is set to ordinance.

Adopted 4/20/98

Amended 4/15/02, 3/20/06, 6/18/07, 3/17/08, 9/17/12, 6/15/15

Reviewed 4/21/03, 3/15/04, 3/21/05, 3/16/09, 3/15/10, 3/19/12, 6/20/16,11/19/18, 9/16/19, 3/15/21,2/21/22, 1/16/23,9/18/23, 9/16/24