
Regular Monthly Programs

Genealogy Club

First Monday of the Month
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM

Interested in finding out more about your family history? The Wilmington Public Library District is looking for people who would like to meet on a monthly basis to share stories, research strategies, and learn about new resources!

An Afternoon of Bingo

Third Wednesday of the Month
Time: 1:00 PM

Join us for a fun afternoon of bingo with prizes and refreshments. Please register to attend.

Monday Night Book Club

Fourth Monday of the month
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.

We take care of your holds so you don’t have to remember the next book! New members are always welcome. Let the library know that you are interested and join in on the discussion!




Special Programs


Computer Sessions

Computer Questions?

Just Starting out and need a basic class? Want to learn more about Excel or Power Point? Schedule an appointment with our Reference staff, and we will get you started on Universal Class a free resource that offers you online courses you can take at your own pace! To schedule an individual appoint-ment, please call the library at 815- 476-2834 and ask to speak to the reference desk.

Book News

Bestseller’s Book Club

bestsellersclubJoin our Bestseller’s Club! Now you can let us know who your favorite author is, and whenever they publish a new novel we’ll automatically put a hold on this item for you!

Check it out!